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Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra review

The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra has arrived, reigniting the annual debate: is it a true upgrade or just a minor improvement? After examining reviews and user experiences, let’s explore its strengths, weaknesses, and place in the crowded smartphone market.

Design Evolution, Not Revolution:
While retaining the boxy shape of its predecessor, the S24 Ultra boasts a flatter display for better glare and scratch resistance. A new matte titanium frame feels more premium and scratch-resistant, although some find it slightly uncomfortable due to sharp corners. The change to a flat display eliminates the curved edges, offering improved functionality but potentially sacrificing the “wow factor” of previous models.
Performance Powerhouse:
The Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 delivers flagship-level performance, effortlessly handling demanding tasks and games. No more concerns about Exynos chipsets affecting global audiences. Samsung and Google have integrated AI features for enhanced photography, battery management, and overall user experience.
Camera Upgrades:
The key improvement is the new 5x telephoto lens replacing the 10MP 3x lens of the S23 Ultra. This translates to sharper, more detailed photos at 5x and 10x zoom, while 30x and 100x remain primarily for bragging rights. Some reviewers find Samsung’s processing in Night mode a bit heavy-handed, potentially sacrificing realism for brightness.

Other Highlights:

  • Samsung claims the brightest and most scratch-resistant display ever on a Galaxy phone, ensuring excellent outdoor visibility and durability.
  • Despite chipset efficiency improvements, the battery capacity remains the same as the S23 Ultra, offering similar day-long usage.
The Verdict:
The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra represents a solid evolution of the flagship formula, offering refined design, top-tier performance, and an improved camera system. However, the lack of major design changes and unchanged battery life might leave some wanting more. For power users and photographers seeking the absolute best Android experience, the S24 Ultra is a strong contender. Others might find the S23 Ultra still appealing, especially at a potentially lower price point.

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